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Thailand Immigration Law - Work Permits For Foreigners

 Work Permits for Foreigners

  1. 3 photos - head and shoulders, size 2 x 2.5 inches
  2. Passport copy showing a valid Non-Immigrant Visa - each page signed
  3. School leaving certificate - translated into Thai and verified by Embassy. If an original English document no translation is required.


  1. Health Certificate - issued by a local doctor or hospital
  2. Employment contract *
  3. Job Description
  4. Company Registration Document & Regulations**
  5. Shareholder list
  6. Chart of Employees *
  7. Map showing office/business location
  8. 2 photos of office/business
  9. Company Tax No., balance of previous year or letter confirming no tax *
  10. Resume in English
  11. Form WP 2 *
  12. References - to show ability to perform job
  13. If the business is registered abroad - Company & Shareholder register
  14. Evidence as laid out by the new rules and regulations from June 2002

* Supplied by International Law Office
**Evidence can only be provided after successful registration of the company